Why Conventional Rat Busters' Way Don't Work
1. Baiting rats lead to strong carcass stench which may result in health issues & business losses.
2. It’s time consuming and costly to locate dead rats.
3. Rat’s Trap is a slow process as rats produces faster than you can trap them.
Why Mossif3 Ratzfree?
- Eco-friendly: Made from natural and biodegradable ingredients
- Hygienic: Repels rats without close contact.
- Non-toxic: Safe to place near children, pets & food
- Air Disinfecting: Kills air borne germs that create bad odour & main cause of diseases
- Health Benefits: Has Decongestant Properties. It helps in a common cold, a myriad of associated respiratory symptoms

Ratzfree repel rats by masking its chemo sensors from picking environmental cues that it requires to sense its food and water. Thus, forcing it to migrate.
Without food and water, rats will not nest.
Usage Methods
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Not to be taken internally.
- Avoid contact with eyes. If accidentally splashed into eyes, rinse thoroughly with plenty of water.
- If swallowed, drink lots of water, do not induce vomiting and seek medical attention.
- If spilled, wash skin with water.
- Wash hand after use.